Click here to read 2021’s Annual Report
As 2022 draws to a close, gold-youth celebrates another 557 previously unemployed young people who have now been connected to opportunities in internships, meaningful jobs, entrepreneurial ventures, or further education. 5,429 teenage Peer Educators from schools and communities in South Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Uganda were empowered and mentored as agents of positive change. The impact of their renewed mindsets will be seen in social behaviour change, improved education outcomes, skills attainment, and employability. In turn, they have influenced 11,102 peers and younger children to live lives of purpose.
We are inspired to share gold-youth’s 2021 Annual Report. With the steadfast leadership and support of our incredible Board of Directors right up to the resilient commitment of every gold teenage Peer Educator that chose to be the change they want to see, we continued to thrive in 2021. Thank you to every gold team member, funding partner and community partner for holding humbly yet aggressively to our goal of 10 million youth by 2032.
This north star is what kept us focused on building well and deep. Seeing the gold that is inside of each young person that we serve, shining bright, with their God-given purpose being lived out day-to-day, remained our standard bearer!
2021 was certainly an exciting year of growth, full of first fruits of our enduring efforts over many years of championing a movement to change the system of youth education and upbringing in Africa.