gold Honours Madiba’s Legacy 19 July 2019

Across South Africa, our gold teams have spent their #67minutes cleaning their communities, planting trees, feeding children and most importantly… bringing HOPE. Nelson Mandela Day is an annual international day in honour of Nelson Mandela, celebrated each year on 18 July, Mandela’s…

12 July 2019 Peer2Peer innovation finalist at AU Education Expo
10 July 2019 Peer Educator wins Community Chest Prize!
24 April 2019 Well done to OMTOM Champions
9 April 2019 Kraaifontein Peer Educators raise their voices on substance abuse
4 March 2019 gold Youth in Masoyi march against extreme violence; call for change
21 June 2018 Youth Day: gold Youths Set up Street Store and Say No to Poverty
26 April 2018 Soon-to-be lawyer, gold Grad Andisiwe, dares to dream!
24 April 2018 gold Continues the Food-Growing Journey!
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