Our audacious goal is to develop 10 million young African leaders with character and integrity to mobilize their generation with the knowledge, tools and support to reach their full potential, with concrete results in social behaviour change, education and job creation.

gold Youth Development Agency: Youth-led Change Across Africa...

We dream of an Africa where young leaders from across the continent know the gold that is inside of them and live this out with purpose, changing the system of youth education and upbringing – enabling all young people to grow up in their communities to be healthy, spiritually alive adults who contribute towards social and economic flourishing.

Our Purpose

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We believe in a revolution of hope

"Imagine if each young person believed that their life has purpose and value. Most young people in Africa are growing up in communities that offer no hope. If we are to unlock the social and economic potential of the world’s largest and youngest workforce, then we have to address systematic inequality. We have to change the narrative around the youth bulge crisis at the bottom of the pyramid; to see youth as the hope for our continent. There is no plan B.”

Susannah Farr, gold-youth CEO The Programme

Hear our why

Watch this video to take a deeper look into what drives gold-youth to dream of a generation that will choose to be the solution, to think differently; who will lead in every sector of society, counting the cost of true leadership.


35 466

Peer Leaders

There are 35 466 gold Peer Educators, trained and mentored, out in the world.


2 412


gold-youth has created 2 412 Facilitator Internships since starting the programme.

2 195


gold-youth has proudly facilitated a total of 2 195 job placements since 2015.


92 035

Peers Reached

A total of 92 035 Peers and children have been measurably reached by gold Peer Educators.

Engage gold-youth

Do you want to play a part in shifting the social and economic system that is robbing a generation of youth from playing a critical part in leading Africa’s story?
Please partner with us in this vision...

Strategic Funding
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Youth Talent
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Training &
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