- Population is 2,346,179 with a median age is 24.0
- Unemployment rate in Botswana was 24%, although youth unemployment was 41%.
- Enrolment in primary and secondary education is 80 per cent, but quality education remains a challenge as evidenced by low performance in school-leaving examinations with the pass rate for primary school 73 per cent
- National pass rate: 30%.
- Dropout rate: 32%
- The pregnancy rate among women aged 15-19 is also a concern, with 51 births per 1000 women, and this trend continues to rise.
- In 2018, over 29,000 young people aged 15-24 were estimated to be living with HIV in the country, with three in every ten new HIV infections occurring among adolescents and young people in this age group.
- The country has a youth employment rate of 58.8%, with 41.2% of young people not in employment, education, and training (NEET).
Annual Report Botswana
gold-youth Botswana annual report 2023
Annual Report Botswana
gold-youth Botswana annual report 2023
“I have always wanted to be a lawyer so that I can be the voice to the voiceless. Thanks to the mentoring sessions I attended, I know I have to study more to get better results. I need to have high self-esteem and confidence to stand in front of people. I need to focus on subjects and experiences that will sharpen my skills in reading, research and data analysis and better my English.”
Salma Katlo Ayaah- Peer Educator
Ever since I became a gold facilitator intern, I decided that I needed to become a better role model. The programme has helped me build myself confidence and resolve personal issues as it contributed to me reconciling with my parents. It has helped me to improve my work by being organized and time conscious.
I am now respected because of the work I do in the community. In the future, I see myself owning not-for-profit organization which aims to help the less fortunate by providing the basic needs. I also intend to pursue my degree and masters in the teaching field.”
Katso Garebuisanye, Facilitator Intern, Molepole